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5:12 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 45

Welcome! to JUST MY TYPE ... of manga #2. That's right, manga.

Nowadays there are a lot of readers out there who are looking out for manga and comics that are ORIGINAL. Now, i am what you would call a devotist. If i find something i like, then i don't mind reading a few more of the same type of manga, no matter how similar the plot threads or character types might be.

This thread will be open up with a few well known titles and people can chime in when they think they know a similar manga title or two.

(if you're insterested in veiwing my previous posts look here:

MY TYPE of manga today is: the Fighting Harem

More specifically: A seemingly normal person, usually a guy, suddenly seems to be drawing the attention of beautiful/cute girl(s), for one reason or another, usually one at a time until a harem grows. BUT these are not normal girls, they have special abilities, and he gets in situations where they have to protect him.

Now, this is a genre that i think is picking up in popularity, the two that come to my mind are Mai-Hime, of course, and Magikano

(thanks to all who post!!) smile wink grin

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Post #153332
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5:37 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 40

Koi Koi 7 is like that. The harem doesn't really grow with time is the only difference.

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5:43 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 2506

Biggest example of this is Rosario + Vampire
Meets all your criteria.

This signature was recovered from Hades to serve in my rotting armies.
Post #153335
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6:04 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 163

Mahou Sensei Negima sounds like it fits into this

It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.
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6:05 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 641

Or Sekirei for that matter.

Mai Otome is another one too.

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Post #153337
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6:09 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 38

Sekirei as well, hope some others are posted.

looks like someone beat me to the punch.

Last edited by soulg77 at 6:30 pm, Apr 12 2008

Not changing this sig until Square-Enix & Namco-Bandai collaborate to produce a "Tales of..." game (Feb 8, 2008).
Post #153352
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6:48 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 2009

dude move urself to the "I'm looking for" section cuz basically you're just asking for suggestions.

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11:37 pm, Apr 12 2008
Posts: 10691

Sorry, but this isn't turning out to be much of a "discussion", so I'm moving this to the other forum suggested by funkmu1 (and the first topic of this kind too)

A just ruler amongst tyrants

1:18 am, Apr 13 2008
Posts: 18

Sekirei was mentioned but not linked.

Omamori Himari

Fate/Stay Night (well, the game is the best; anime and manga adapted from it with manga following DIFFERENT scenario than anime, supposedly)

Tsukihime (neither the anime nor the manga really develop the harem though, both focus on the primary relationship)

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2:51 pm, Apr 16 2008
Posts: 45

Although it might not match up to this genre exactly, Fruits Basket is a good example of a harem where the woman is the center of attention of a group of men. It's also one of my favorite manga out right now, i'm waiting for the next US volume release.

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