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New Poll - Hugging Parents

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8:40 am, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 10734

So I was thinking about Thanksgiving, which is upcoming in the USA, so why not have a poll about thanking and showing appreciation toward your parents? Maybe this poll will get you thinking about your parents and what they've done for you. (I hope they raised you well). Even if you're a grown man, your parents will still remember when you were a child, so there's no shame in hugging them.

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Previous Poll Results:
Question: Christmas Shopping
Finished. I get that stuff done early - votes: 200 (1.7%)
I've started already - votes: 960 (8%)
Isn't it too early? Halfway through November... - votes: 4819 (40.2%)
I leave everything to the last minute - votes: 2170 (18.1%)
I don't buy Christmas presents - votes: 3846 (32.1%)
There were 11995 total votes.
The poll ended: November 20th 2010

Well, it was slightly early to have this poll, but Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner! Cheap prices for great gifts! Still though, I'm saddened by the number of people who don't give any gifts at all (well, perhaps you don't celebrate Christmas, but you could still give gifts to show some appreciation~)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #536826
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9:49 am, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 17

we celebrate Christmas but in my country gifts are given for New year not christmas... for christmas eve we go to church to wait for midnight so its a little tough to carry gifts with you xD

Post #536827
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all hail schneizel

11:07 am, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 196

Why would I show appreciation to my mother? Just because she's my mother? My mother is horrible. Not everyone has good parents you know.

Within the last year, probably within the last few months. I don't remember when I last saw her. As for my father, longer than any of the above, my parents are divorced.

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11:50 am, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 330

My parents never hugs me.

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3:44 pm, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 287

I feel sad for those who don't have caring parents...

"to the world you may be one person,
but to one person you may be the world."

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" (from Hamlet, Wm. Shakespeare; Act II, scene ii)

(Even though the quote above is from Hamlet, I first saw it in a Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer on YouTube ^o^)
Post #536830 - Reply to (#536829) by ichigo_daisuki
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4:07 pm, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 323

me too, everyone should have parents that are there for them and look out for them. sad

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. ~ Thoreau

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Post #536831
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Obsessive Otaku

5:44 pm, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 71

i came from a place where parents never hugs their children when they are past toddlers. there is not even just a simple touching between family members as well as strangers. we see caring parents in our tv shows but never in real life.

Post #536832

7:06 pm, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 208

My parents are definitely loving and caring, but we're not demonstrative in a western way (i.e. kissing, hugging, saying 'I love you' etc.). I sometimes get a birthday kiss on the cheek from my mother, and my father pinches my face now and then, but that's about it. Not a very touchy feely person, so I'm fine with the way things are!


8:00 pm, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 430

Yeah, there's ton of culture differences but I think too much or too little of anything is never a good thing. My Dad expects a hug at least once every other day when he comes home from work, Mum asks me to give her a hug almost every day too. They're good parents I guess yet sometimes they really I mean really tick me off.

Post #536834
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8:34 pm, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 2050

I've never heard of Cyber Monday. o.o

Sounds like

an event where a plethera of internet sexual predators prey on young girls (guys....!?) over the internetz.

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And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.

8:41 pm, Nov 20 2010
Posts: 24

Hugging is not something my family usually do. Well, actually in my country overall. But it doesn't mean I don't love my parents. I love my parents so much, and we have good relationship.
We do have custom kissing the back of the hand of people older than us (including parents). And I do that every time I left the house. It's like asking their blessing for safe trip or a woderful day, nice day at work/school, etc.

Post #536836
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1:52 am, Nov 21 2010
Posts: 9

In my country we buy presents for New Year.
Sometimes I really want to hug my parents, but they are too far....

Post #536837

2:26 am, Nov 21 2010
Posts: 3

Now, you made me sad with this poll.

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Average fangirl

5:25 am, Nov 21 2010
Posts: 39

You made me sad, too.

I hug my dad when he comes back from travelling. With mom, I hug, glomp and hold her hands more than once every day. She died two years ago...

I hate spoilers.
Post #536839 - Reply to (#536838) by Lilith_Lancaster
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5:44 pm, Nov 21 2010
Posts: 3

it's been almost 8yrs since i had my mom,see we don't live in the same country but i miss her sooo much she's my rock

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