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Site Manga Poll Suggestions

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🧁 Sweet

8:29 am, Mar 20 2017
Posts: 287

Would you date a girl who is a hardcore fan of Yaoi
Vice versa
Would you date a boy who is a hardcore fan of Yuri

-Not sure

"The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." <BR> - Albert Einstein
Post #689646 - Reply to (#688832) by Flowerty123
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1:03 am, Mar 25 2017
Posts: 10682

Quote from Flowerty123
How about "How many of you are in an anime club at school (college,highschool,middle schoool,elementary school."


A just ruler amongst tyrants

10:55 pm, Mar 26 2017
Posts: 54

I was thinking of making a thread and asking people, but I realized that this might actually be a good poll idea eek .

Q: How excited are you for the American "Death Note" adaptation?

Totally Stoked!
Stroking your chin with a smile
Fingers crossed and praying
Tilting your head at this strange creature called "adaption" :/
Smh at this madness

Feel free to change my answers into something more comprehensible if you need to biggrin.


3:00 am, Apr 1 2017
Posts: 42

Which (material) form of money you prefer?
1. Real Coin (of gold, silver, bronze, or other metal);
2. Promissary Note/s (paper money, checks/checques/cheques, coupon, etc.);
3. Electric/Digital Numbers (account deposit, e-money, bitcoin, electric coupon, etc.).

Correct me if there is mistyped terms or improper expressions.

Post #690064 - Reply to (#688867) by Karonhioktha
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12:08 am, Apr 8 2017
Posts: 10682

Quote from Karonhioktha
Which came first: your interest in manga or your interest in anime?
- I became interested in manga first, then I moved on to anime
- I became interested in anime first, then I discovered manga
- I became interested in both anime and manga at around the same time
- Other: J-drama, video games, etc. made me discover anime/manga.


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #690139
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Anger Avoidant

11:58 pm, Apr 9 2017
Posts: 479

I'd really like to know how your preferences change over the years.. i.e 5 years ago I won't touch harem genre but nowadays I find it to be entertaining.
Can't really put it into words befitting a poll though

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Post #690168
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4:42 pm, Apr 10 2017
Posts: 606

Would you say you ever converted a friend(anyone) into a manga/anime fan?
-I was the friend that got converted

and @whatnot
The exact details of preference change won't fit into the poll choices, but the question could still be asked like:
Has your preference changed since you started reading manga? Or something similar.
A discussion could be made in the forums as to how it changed, but that's for people who are active/open.

Last edited by F_J at 6:14 pm, Apr 10 2017

Post #690360 - Reply to (#688867) by Karonhioktha
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1:37 am, Apr 15 2017
Posts: 10682

Quote from Karonhioktha
For fun:
You discover a fully scanlated/completed manga that's around 6 volumes long. But how long will it take you to actually complete the series?
- I'll speed through the series, and complete it in a day
- I'll read rather quickly, at about a volume or so a day.
- I'll want to absorb everything I read. It's probably going to take me a month or more to finish.
- I always get preoccupied with other manga, and it'll probably take a year or more to finish.


A just ruler amongst tyrants
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Me too ♥

11:17 am, Apr 20 2017
Posts: 1139

Fanfic related questions.

Do you write fanfic for your favorite(s) manga/anime?
- Yes!
- No.
- Not yet, but I plan to when I have time.

When you find a manga you like do you look for all the Doujinshi, and/or fanfic work related to it?
- Definitely, I search the interwebs long and far for everything.
- I see if MU has anything listed and just read those.
- No, just the manga is enough for me.

Suggestion 15

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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Post #690624 - Reply to (#689261) by Quinatsu
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9:10 am, Apr 22 2017
Posts: 10682

Quote from Natsuyasumin
W- What's this feeling...
- A new power
- Love
- Happiness
- *tears fall*
- Jealousy
- Oppai

I mean.. it's countless how much they say them for these same feelings.
And some even predict the future "I have a bad feeling.." the flag of someone's death lol
But wasn't sure to add this or not
"- Something bad's gonna happen"

Good old silly poll smile

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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5:48 pm, Apr 28 2017
Posts: 2

-Someday soon
-A long time from now

They come and they go.

Post #690838 - Reply to (#689367) by crankyllama
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9:13 am, Apr 29 2017
Posts: 10682

Quote from crankyllama
Do you collect or purchase manga/anime related merchandise?

And then the answer choices could include some specific types (cosplay, figurines, pop vinyls, etc). If you choose this poll, feel free to edit the question as you'd like.


A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #690898
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HanaKana Fanboy

5:46 am, May 1 2017
Posts: 16

Maybe as a follow-up to the current poll, since most people seem to not/hardly own any mechandise:

What's keeping you from acquiring (more) mechandise? (pick the most relevant one)
- Too expensive
- Not enough space
- Difficult to acquire (e. g. no access to shops for whatever reason)
- Family
- Pets
- Not interested

There might be more options, but these are all I can think of for now.

Post #691091 - Reply to (#689487) by yuri_shibuya
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12:04 am, May 6 2017
Posts: 10682

Quote from princess_bubblegum
Have you done this before confused
What kind of sports would you like to read in a manga

5 years ago, but sure, we can do it again since you asked so nicely

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #691146

5:48 am, May 7 2017
Posts: 10

When a manga you've been reading and really like isn't completely scanlated yet do you:
-look for raws/available chapters in another language
-contact the scanlators to speed up the updates... rant
-join/help a translation team
-buy the remaining volumes
-look for another manga... move on
-do nothing

I think most people would do nothing but I personally look for raws, or even other languages, just to know what's going on. Just would be interesting to see what other people actually do

I don't update my manga list that often

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