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Site Poll - Chat Box 96 - Losing Senses
(65 posts, 7951 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by StarKin in Chatter Box
Touch - like many people have pointed out, if you lose your sense of touch - you don't know when you get injured and you forget to be careful of the injuries you DO know about. That is what makes Leprosy so bad. Lose touch and cumulative injuries will rob you of your li...
player boy and player girl couple?
(3 posts, 972 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by StarKin in I'm Looking For...
That is an almost perfect description of Watashi ni XX Shinasai. Well, the girl only plays with the main guy - not a bunch of guys, but still.....
Is the end of Naruto near?
(92 posts, 17914 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by StarKin in Naruto
The series will end when Naruto achevies his goal of being the "Greatest Hokage EVER!!". (emphisis his) He doesn't want to be "strongest ninja" so this goal depends on his charactor development, not on beating the Ultimate Evil.

If the manga stays as relitively realistic...
Acts of Love
(17 posts, 2369 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by StarKin in Chatter Box
There is two acts of "love" by Girl A in that story. #1 is not telling Guy A about Girl B. #2 is confronting Girl B with her attidude.

Everyone has already chimed in about #1 so I'll comment on #2

Ok - switch the genders in the story and the fact there was a physical figh...
corset in plot
(1 posts, 621 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by StarKin in I'm Looking For...
I noticed that there is a LOT of costumes w/ corsets and corset details in Manga and Anime. But no mention of corsets in the actual plot. Anyone know an exception?

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