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President Election: Obama VS Romney
(91 posts, 15327 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
Quote from MangomyTango
I don't know, but indeed...Obama did get his chance in bringing change...
I'm not too into politics, but it seems like he was always blocked by the Republicans and thus he was not able to get anything done. (You can totally tell from his four years i...
President Election: Obama VS Romney
(91 posts, 15327 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
Hmmm yes well, hmmm. I'm not sure if I plan on voting for the presidencey this time around. Don't particualy like either candidate and voteing for someone because you don't like someone else is extremly bad manifestation practice -imho.

If I could vote for anyone ot...
Looking reality game type manga
(8 posts, 1783 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in I'm Looking For...
Quote from Toto
Or are you asking for a series that's like a game but it's in fact real...

Or are you asking for something that's real and people have somehow become game pieces (not literally pieces... but they are being toyed with)?

I'm interested in something like that....
Serious Shonen Heroes
(7 posts, 1828 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in I'm Looking For...
The Breaker MA KI Manga
Area no Kishi Deep dramatic beginning in this Football manga.
Bamboo Blade Girls and kendo, some are serious.
Gamaran For shounen this dude is pretty serious.
Holyland Its seinen.
Why your username?
(951 posts, 187936 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
According to a Japanese to English Conversion site:

Reido Means absolute zero/Freezing point or zero

Jin means Man.

Was trying to come up with a Cool sounding name in Japanese.
Are humans really that evolved..?
(32 posts, 3147 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
Quote from Mamsmilk
Evolved? Well, they are, but there are still ways to go. <_<

Blue indigo Mamsmilk? biggrin
(205 posts, 24588 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
racism n.

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Racism is not hate.The belief or view that: Asians are better at math is racist. ...
Pen Pal japan
(11 posts, 2488 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
I'm no expert but I generally understand a ; follows a , should you wish to use one in a single sentence.
NEWS: Student uses sword to kill intruder
(76 posts, 8880 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
I love all these people talking about not going to meet intruders and saying what healthy normal people would do in todays society.

Thats Bull#^$%. You and no one else is responsible for the safety of your life, property and well being. Police keep the peace.

This idea th...
I need help finding a good shounen anime/manga
(5 posts, 1036 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by Reidojin in I'm Looking For...

Bleach Soul Society Arc.
Its not on your list although from the selection you've probably seen, read it.

As far as manga goes you might like:
Ultra Red

Still running
The Breaker manwha
Mahou Sensei Negima! cloesest to your description imo.
Demon King manwha
Yureka manw...
How Often Do You Get Headaches?
(79 posts, 7298 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
I used to have them almost everyday in highschool. I had to come home from school some days it was so bad. I couldn't tolerate any kind of light and most sound.
Heahaches are generally caused by 4 things.
1 And I believe the most common. Things bypassing the blood brain ba...
Anime Better Than Manga
(7 posts, 972 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Manga General
I ran a search and didn't find this topic. Sorry if there already is one. Okay, basicly asking what Anime are better than or superior to the manga version. Please only list Anime that started as Manga.

I've read that Maburaho is better in the Anime. The ranking/reviews ten...
(1770 posts, 276109 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
I second Spiff there Caliber. There are few things I treasure more than my copy of "The Complete Calvin and Hobbes". I received "The Essential C&H" when I was 6. Incredibly amazing piece of artwork/lit. I'd recommend C&H to anyone.

On topic I forget where I got mine I just...
Something easy going
(5 posts, 881 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in I'm Looking For...
I'm looking for another manga like beach stars or bamboo blade. Not one about only girls more the light hearted going for the goal type manga. Kinda of shounenish I guess. meh. I don't know how to describe it, i'm looking for the feeling you get from em.
Human senses
(105 posts, 8272 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
In my experence people with underdevelped or sub standard regular senses generally have better higher sensesm 6th sense is you will, due to their lack of relying on them. Then again the problem may not be the organ itself. For example some people have bad eyes while other...
Lovely Yummy Sugar CMF 1
(16 posts, 1426 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
Oh yes most EVERYONE knows it bad.

But not why.

Or how much. I felt like trying to open some peoples mind. Its one thing to go table sugars bad meh i'll try not to eat it. And realizing that consumption of it can not only destroy your health but seriously effect quality of...
Lovely Yummy Sugar CMF 1
(16 posts, 1426 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
Then I can't help you.

This is a site about Manga, no? Last time I checked it involved reading and based on my personal experance, quite a bit of it.

My guess would be you stopped reading at the 3rd sentence, assuming you started at all.
Lovely Yummy Sugar CMF 1
(16 posts, 1426 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
Starting off on the "Commonly Misunderstood Food" list at number 1 is common table sugar.

Discuss: bigrazz

"Sugar is without question one of the most dangerous substances on the food market today.

What we are talking about here is sucrose, the white crystalline sugar refined from ...
Drinking Milk
(122 posts, 10195 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
I used to love milk. Then I grew up fat with hormonal problems.
Now I don't consume milk products unless there raw. If anyones interested

Back when I did though it was strait outta the jug. Tasted better that way m...
Site Poll - Chat Box 34 - Favorite Genre
(102 posts, 9451 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
Martial Arts here. Followed by comedy and then either ecchi or fantasy. I like MA because it gives me ideas for training. I'm still going to do the one thing glasses (harima, I think) did in school rumble, the inverted sit-ups with water, when i'm a little stronger and f...
Most epic battle
(56 posts, 7180 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Manga General
la blue girl vs the Main bad guy in movie 4. Or was it movie 5 can't remember now.
Best Natsume sister.
(43 posts, 5587 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in Tenjou Tenge
Quote from iluvmuzic
what manga is this for anyway confused

Blasphemy!!! (Tenjou Tenge is seires)

I'm not sure really. Been so long since I've read any tenten can't rember who it was I liked. I think I was leaning toward Aya back when I reading reg. Then again she was starting to a...
Breaking the fourth wall
(32 posts, 8395 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Reidojin in I'm Looking For...
Yureka or Id_Entity does every now and then when borromid bitches about page time.
Publishers Manga
(5 posts, 1422 views) Posted: over 17 years ago by Reidojin in Suggestions & Bugs
Yes. What i'm really asking I guess is either a list f manga or a section under each manga on how edited the seires or volume is. For example Tendo Tenge IMHO got raped. I won't buy or read the American Publication.

I understand people can put comments but what i'm reall...
Instant Messaging Programs
(100 posts, 9779 views) Posted: over 17 years ago by Reidojin in Chatter Box
I use Trillian which uses the
and ICQ protcols.

I don't think its as good as miranda is though. I've been wanting to check on the universal IM's and see how they stack up. Its way easier to use a universal with multiple protacals instead of a much of IM's.

OH... ...

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