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Do you like the sound of your voice?

Do you like the sound of your voice?
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Me too ♥

3:39 pm, Aug 10 2014
Posts: 1139

Do you like the sound of your voice? In general do you like the sound of your voice. Whenever you hear a recording of yourself do you think "My voice sounds horrible, I hate it so much.", "my voice is awesome" or "oh hey it's me talking" (or something along those lines).

As for me ... I'm not fond of my voice. I dislike my voice so much I try not to talk when someone's recording a video ... I even have the automated default voice mail on my phone "You have reached the voice mail of (silence)"
Oh, how I go through great lengths to prevent myself from hearing my voice.
I don't mind others hearing me talk ... I just don't want to hear myself ...

A similar thread about voices you could check out - How does your voice sound like

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Monkey. :B

6:29 pm, Aug 10 2014
Posts: 1966

Not really. My voice sounds really high, so much so that people are taken aback by it. >_> I can only mask that when singing, so.

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8:04 pm, Aug 10 2014
Posts: 1700

I hate it! D: It makes me cringe!

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10:23 pm, Aug 10 2014
Posts: 39

I don't like my voice at all. It used to be way too childish (in an annoying way, not cute), and now it's just weirdly deep for a girl. -.-
But, it's not like I'm a really chatty person so I'm living with it.

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the happiest thing

10:30 pm, Aug 10 2014
Posts: 140

I don't like the sound of my voice when I'm speaking formally (giving a speech, speaking politely to a teacher, talking on the phone sometimes). It makes me cringe because it feels like I'm not really speaking the way I want to - how I feel on the inside (rather I have to put up a polite facade).

Otherwise I'm actually pretty cool with how it sounds. I like to talk in different voices a lot (like cutesy, or very deep male opera singer, or sing enka). Idk, I guess I just like to express myself. Kind of like how I decided to convince myself at 1 am that I'm so funny.

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11:06 pm, Aug 10 2014
Posts: 566

I don't have a problem with my voice, but the way I think I sound and the way I actually sound are two different things. I remember the first time I heard a recording of myself, I was surprised that it was actually me. The recording sounded like a higher pitch. In my head, my voice is lower than what it really is.

Post #649594
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Mythical Creature

12:26 am, Aug 11 2014
Posts: 285

I don't really listen to it. I do like that I can sing both male and female parts though.

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2:01 am, Aug 13 2014
Posts: 4030

I like the sound of my normal voice, which is pretty deep. But then I'll get excited or nervous and it turns into this high-pitched abomination. Ugh.


2:11 am, Aug 13 2014
Posts: 33

Yes, I like it. It's not too deep nor too loud. People says it's very similar to my mother's and sister's voices, since they can't figure out who is talking at the phone. Recently I listened to a tape of my recorded voice and thought it was my sister talking...

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5:49 am, Sep 5 2014
Posts: 1145

No. I think it sounds annoying. But I'm complimented on it a lot. I get random comments of people wishing I would do their voicemail greeting. confused

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6:25 am, Sep 5 2014
Posts: 241

I have a clear and sort of low voice (the kind used in anime for young boys)

Post #651376
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Is a female

7:14 am, Sep 5 2014
Posts: 3457

No. I hate it. I often wonder how people put up with it. I think I sound awful. (pretty sure it's not that bad, but it's always what I think whenever I hear my voice play back lol)

Post #651611
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10:52 am, Sep 8 2014
Posts: 410

It doesn't bother me and I like that it's a bit lower pitched. But I have, on occasion, been told I sound posh. (I'm not.) Or a bit Australian.

Post #652049

10:45 pm, Sep 13 2014
Posts: 89

I sound like an anime character...people have a hard time taking me seriously. sad

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11:18 pm, Sep 13 2014
Posts: 348

I don't like it. I don't hate it per say but I am not fond of it. It's a little higher in pitch then I'd like but none of my friends or family say it's weird or horrible sounding.

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