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Something that made you smile today.
(2798 posts, 352774 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Someone said they remembered me because I was a smart alec today and years ago in middle school. It's funny the labels others apply to you when you yourself don't consider it to be true.
Skinny Jeans/Pants
(54 posts, 8772 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
I'm a guy and I can't stand to wear skinny jeans. They look okay on me, but they aren't comfortable. So I go Bootcut. I like to see the fairer sex in them though.
What song are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
(5085 posts, 493047 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Music
Just posting to kill time now since it will be twice in one day... Anywho I'm listening to Skid Row - 18 And Life. An old song, but I'm not on my Ipod, but my mom's MP3 player.
Spiritual Successors
(9 posts, 1673 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in I'm Looking For...
Quote from starfield
fairy tail is sorta like one piece...

apparently both the authors were influenced by akira toriyama

I heard of spiritual successors for games with the same company, but not manga. However starfield hit the only one I can think of. Fairy Tail is definatel...
How do you rate manga?
(51 posts, 7758 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Manga General
I do it all by feelin! A month or so ago I decided to make a rubric to rate my manga. It is horribly complicated and unuseable just because it's complicated. I left no guess work and made it so even if a manga was epic it might only get an 8 and not a 9 or 10 because I di...
(12 posts, 1312 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Quote from drolemil
Simple enough, let's share oxymorons. <3

My favs:
green orange
happy marriage
army intelligence

Not to nitpick, but aren't yours all opionin based? I mean not all marriages are unhappy and army intelligence I can't even fathem why it is an oxymoron(well I ca...
Advertising vs. Brainwashing
(8 posts, 2051 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Advertising is a mult-million dollar industry. Companies pour time, money, and man power into a form of advertisment in the hopes the sales increase. They want you to buy their product. That's why Nike, McDolands, Skittles, etc nail in those logos and sayings into your br...
What song are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
(5085 posts, 493047 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Music
Quote from ShadowSakura
All4You by Kanon

lol really?

Anyhow I'm listening to Onerepublic - All the Right Moves
Something that made you smile today.
(2798 posts, 352774 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Quote from ShadowSakura
Katsuragi Keim the pimp

This gave me a big ol' smile.
Last manga you dropped
(384 posts, 57243 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Manga General
Hokenshitsu no Shinigami, I like it, but I'm bored with it. Episodic up till the point I read to and that's boring.
(28 posts, 2310 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Times New Roman is my personal favorite, Arial seems to ordinary and precise.
Do you read raw manga, even if you can't read Japanese?
(54 posts, 8463 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Manga General
There should be a 'No, but I've been tempted' selection, because that would of been my answer.
Site Poll - Chat Box 118 - Manga Deprivation
(38 posts, 5691 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Probably a month, I'd like to say I could quit when I wanted to but honostly I don't think I could. It's wishful thinking to say otherwise. It's at my fingertips, the temptation would be to much after so long.
which gender spends more money?
(46 posts, 5815 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
My opinion based sololy on seterotypes I'd say women. Based on my experiance I'd still say women. I spend little on myself while my female friends talk about getting this or that atleast everyother day.
Hot Chocolate
(66 posts, 6266 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Plenty of that chocolate powder with milk and a marshmello! Full size too, I hate my little one's they melting so fast!
Bleach 430
(23 posts, 3683 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Bleach
they are POSSIBLE EXTREMIST this could mean they may not be extremists at all. we don't know enough to assume that. and even if its someone you know that got hurt by a group of people how does that lead to the conclusion other people you know will get hurt too? hypot...
What would you actually kill for?
(156 posts, 16238 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Quote from Ryukishi
a klondike bar.

Wow like 5 people have said this! I makes me wonder just how good are Klondike bars.
Today, I screwed up by...
(280 posts, 30452 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
...leaving my gov book at school. I have to study tonight!
Bleach 430
(23 posts, 3683 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Bleach
Quote from Kieon
Quote from orpheus17
Quote from true_grave_unit
Quote from orpheus17
I do have a question though....why didn't Inoue just heal Ishida? Will this be something that her reversal powers don't work on (possibly making her even more useless to the story)?

last series you finished?
(1224 posts, 159290 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Manga General
Psyren and Swot(one chapter left, but it's pratically over)
Your favorite Final Fantasy game?
(119 posts, 15708 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Games
FFVII ftw anything otherwise I will refuse outright.
Do You Get Depressed After Finishing A Manga?
(83 posts, 12918 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Manga General
If I read a completed series start to finish in a day or two I feel really bummed, I haven't had time to digest the major plot points! Although if I read it over time like pyren I've already come to accept it by the end.
What would you actually kill for?
(156 posts, 16238 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Chatter Box
Quote from solovolk
A unicorn, several million dollars, presidency, super powers, well basically a lot of things......

This sums it up the best, 'basically a lot of things'.
Manga that focuses on solo masturbation instead of intercourse
(6 posts, 21561 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Adult (18+)
Hentai with solo maturbation is probably not in the Hentai catogory.... More likely it will be an adult genre, Hentai focus of coital(did I spell that right?) it seems. Don't quote me on that though...

You are new to MU so I suggest if you can't find an accually suggestio...
Elfen Lied: Anime or Manga?
(8 posts, 4552 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by Wage Knight in Elfen Lied
Quote from Empror

Blasphemy! Elfen Lied is awesome!

Besides that if I have to pick read the manga.

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