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Something That Made You Frown Today...

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11:22 pm, Feb 16 2017
Posts: 1699

I lost my letter "T" for my laptop so it's just a little rubber nub. sad

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Me too ♥

8:55 am, Feb 17 2017
Posts: 1139

I was going to write down everything I wrote on my computer down on paper, because you never know what might happen. I got the blue screen of death.

I now have to wait for my husband to get home to fix my computer which he won't come home until the end of the day. I'm really bummed out about losing a day to work on this. sad

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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8:08 pm, Mar 4 2017
Posts: 838

I spent four hours hunched over using a snake to unclog my kitchen sink drain. dead

Post #689498
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5:06 pm, Mar 20 2017
Posts: 182

I realized that hope is one of the cruelest thing a person could have.

I know that this will happen eventually, but I couldn't prepare myself to face it. Let's just hope S and I will meet in a better place someday.

Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust,
Like diamonds, we are cut with our own dust.
Post #689533

10:00 am, Mar 21 2017
Posts: 8

Just realized science fair is due tomorrow... and I haven't started. dead

It's like a tornado ate a tsunami and pooped out a monsoon!
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10:52 pm, Mar 24 2017
Posts: 1699

I tried sour cotton candy flavored gummy worms and that was horrible. cry

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9:23 pm, May 16 2017
Posts: 1699

My boss makes the employees park on the streets (Residential area) and the older residents always yell at us. It's not our faults :<

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Me too ♥

9:54 pm, Jun 21 2017
Posts: 1139

My phone has a black screen. Not sure if it's the black screen of death, sleep of death, or just malfunctioning hardware, but nothing I'm reading online is fixing it.

Oh, and months ago when I wrote about my laptop getting the blue screen of death, my hard drive got corrupted and I lost a lot of the data from it.

Yes yes, I know I make longwinded comments, but that's just me >.<
I should proof read my comments more, but I won't...
So keep in mind I'm filled with typos

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11:36 pm, Jul 9 2017
Posts: 1699

Been getting a huge amount of mosquito bites... My arms and legs are covered in them. The ones on my ankles are the worst. They're really deep so it's painful to walk :/

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12:33 am, Jul 10 2017
Posts: 454

My sports team won.........yeah, hate the coach, hate the direction the teams's gone in, etc., etc., etc., rooting for them to/hoping they'll lose every single game so they'll have to fire the bum smile

Post #693419
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Witch of Heart

1:18 am, Jul 10 2017
Posts: 102

While I was voting the categories of a simple shoujo manga I stumbled at "Japan". I mean, seriously? I think it is pretty cretinous to add such a tag for a >manga. lol

Post #694113
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10:18 am, Aug 2 2017
Posts: 67

Hearing more about Orange Cheeto's TransBan sad

Currently getting my life together~ (unsuccessfully)
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10:46 pm, Aug 3 2017
Posts: 1699

I've been trying so hard to trust my new mechanics.. sad

My previous mechanic disappeared without a trace a few months ago, and this "franchise" automotive place moved in. I was with my old mechanics for 6 years. I had a car emergency and the new guys were the ones that accepted me ASAP. They "fixed" my issue, which was a clicking noise for my brakes. They also mentioned my "control arm" needed to be fixed but I don't need to address it anytime soon. I came back for my oil change (3 months later) and they told me again that my rear axle needed to be replaced (I think related to control arm, I'm not a car person.) They quoted me $2000+ saying that they can do it in a few hours, and that they'll order the part for me and everything. So, rear axle, replace some sort of beam, change my tires in the back, alignment, and labor is $2000+. I scheduled to have this done next week (dumb.) I told my sister about it, and her husband used to work at a car dealership, and he's a mechanic. They both lectured me on how $2000 is ripping me off and that they're taking advantage of me.

Now I just feel really dumb because this is my first car that's not in the 90's, and I should've known better. I was blindsighted thinking that newer cars have more expensive parts, and I was gullible. :/ sigh v__v;

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10:36 pm, Aug 30 2017
Posts: 1699

My bank balance has been pretty sad recently. sad

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10:19 am, Sep 12 2017
Posts: 120

My freaking presentation in School. And to top it off, my teacher decided that all present students will openly give feedback about your pres infront of the whole class.

It sucked.

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