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(37 posts, 5043 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
Quote from xtr3m3dude
I think Pain was probably stronger than Madara since Jiraya said the Rinnegan is the origin of ninja techniques. Probably goes like this Pain > Jiraya > Itachi. That would mean that Naruto is stronger than Sasuke right now... but the new eye techs tha...
(67 posts, 8518 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
After reading the spoilers a few times both here and the other site, I'm wondering whether the Lord of Fire Country actually made him the 6th Hokage or just nominated him as the 6th. *Shrugs*

If he is to be made the 6th Hokage, I hope we get to see some civil war action in...
(50 posts, 5656 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Bleach
Quote from stigvindy
So toshiro used some sort of ice trick prevent any serious harm to himself. Since I am one of the few people who like Toshiro, I'm a bit relieved to see that he escaped permanent harm.

I have a feeling that the people who hate toshiro won't be so forgi...
(40 posts, 4872 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
Quote from morgan
There was indication that he wont reappear....Yondaime stored enough of his own chakra in naruto to reappear in his time of need. he pretty much said im not coming back when he was resealing naruto and he said that his chakra was disapating. meaning there...
(40 posts, 4872 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
Quote from Lnc411
Is it just be or was that chapter really... iunno... dry... Like the 4th comes out and goes (in a nutshell) "I'm your father. Sorry I sealed the fox within you." and Naruto just accepts it, and every continues. I was expecting something dramatic... like s...
(40 posts, 4872 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
Knew Naruto had to utilise the Fox as one of his powers. Probably gonna develop something so that he can safely use the powers of the Fox without injuring himself etc.
(63 posts, 9282 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
Quote from RuneRyder
Quote from Veltwolfsleer
hmmn i wonder if the "sage of the six paths" will have a greater impact later in naruto

i was wondering what or who this person was also when i read that...but grrrr....kishimoto just had to leave this HUGE cliffhanger....and we ...
(50 posts, 7658 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Bleach
Quote from stigvindy
But what will happen to him later on? It doesn't seem plausible that he can revert back to normal Ichigo since he was killed by Ulquiorra. I wonder if the hollow Ichigo personality (i.e. the white ichigo or 'ogihci') will materialise into the real worl...
(50 posts, 7658 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Bleach
IMO, Inoue reminds me of pre-timeskip Sakura from Naruto. >_>
(63 posts, 9282 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto

I officially hate Naruto now.


Anyway, we didn't see Naruto go 9 tails... 9 tails was written on Yamato's hand. Oddly t...
(161 posts, 20607 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
As far as the 9-tails is concerned, I have a feeling that the Naruto will somehow integrate it and use it as his power... properly.

Jiraiya talked about the key, and how he told the toad to store himself with Naruto, before his fight against Pein.
(161 posts, 20607 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Naruto
IMO, not dead until stated dead.

Kakashi can very well be alive, same with Hinata, because there were no real indication that they were REALLY dead. Shizune however has been explicitly stated that she was, in fact, dead.

Yea, you can really see that I'm hoping both Kakashi...
Chapter 345
(40 posts, 3977 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Bleach
*Yawn* should be up there as one of the choices.

I dunno, I just find Bleach uninteresting after the Soul Society arc. Too many DBZ elements makes it boring. At least make someone fight properly. All the fights have been revolving around how much power a person has rather ...
List your 10 Best Comedy Manga!
(3 posts, 11927 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Manga General

Wins hands down as the funniest manga I've ever read.
Chapter 344
(32 posts, 4217 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Bleach
I concur, best Dragonball chapter eva!


Get-su-ga Ten-shouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


Good grief, can't kubo think of something better than just a stupid increase in power level? That's just depressing. As far as I'm...
Upcoming Movies
(186 posts, 19881 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Chatter Box
The problem with trailers? They all look good, no matter how pathetic the movie is. Well, most of them anyway.

Maybe on Watchmen? BLASPHEMY!11!!!1!eleventyone!
famous movie catch phrases
(120 posts, 12388 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Chatter Box
"I don't read the script, the script reads me."


Oh yea... the Camelot song from Monty Python and the Holy Grail was pretty good as well.

"I have to push the pram-a-lot...!"

live action wishes
(37 posts, 4358 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Chatter Box
DRAGONBALL IS COMING YO. Have a feeling it's gonna suck.

On topic:
No idea, I reckon anything that needs over the top CG to make it work won't be as good as the anime/manga. Although Ghost in the Shell live action movie sounds good...
What Does Your Ideal Partner Have?
(506 posts, 74735 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Chatter Box
Erm... everything? biggrin

Decent looks. Long hair! (I dunno why I just like girls with long hair... reminds me of my ex where I can always smell the scent of her shampoo lol)

And someone intelligent. So I can at least have a more intelligible conversation. For some reason most of...
Upcoming Movies
(186 posts, 19881 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Chatter Box
The only movie I'm can't wait to watch now is Watchmen. biggrin

Meh, PotC 2 and 3 were alright. At least they weren't as bad as Spiderman 3 and X-Men 3. Dunno what PotC would be about though. I heard they gonna make Spidey 4 or something as well. Don't remember.
Good Multiplayer game for PS2
(8 posts, 1248 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Games
No worries mate. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. biggrin Will keep a lookout for Koei games. Might consider Samurai Warriors.

Hmmm... not so sure about Guitar Heroes as I dislike those kind of games. I should give it a try before I jump to conclusions though. Haha.
Good Multiplayer game for PS2
(8 posts, 1248 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Games
Quote from Rufio
Wow thats a toughie. I can't think of any off the top of my head there. so i googled :3
IGN: The Best PS2 Co-Op Games

Ehehe ^^;

Haha, I probably won't be asking if it was easy. Could have just found anything off google or something, but I wanted some player/u...
Good Multiplayer game for PS2
(8 posts, 1248 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Games
I'm looking for a good if not decent multiplayer game for my PS2. Haven't got anything in my mind yet so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Not referring to going online or anything, just simple 2 player games with another controller. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Wou...
Video Game Soundtracks
(87 posts, 11971 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Games
Hell March.


EDIT: Man these threads keep getting bumped and I just noticed I replied in this thread ages ago. >_>
ok WTF is wrong with this manga
(100 posts, 29425 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Noobie-I-Am in Air Gear
Oh! Great should just do what Obata Takeshi did with Death Note and Hikaru No Go. Leave the story and plot to someone else, while he concentrates on drawing. =\

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