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Manga/Manhwa/Manhua/Anime with secrets?

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4:32 pm, Oct 20 2012
Posts: 36

I love manga!.. i've read so many mangas and manhwas and manhuas and stuff i have nothing to read! so... I'm searching for manga/manhwa/manhua/anime with a character who has a secret/ secret identity/ secret personality/secret past...
~Outside - quiet, polite, weak ... Inside- rude, strong, bad mouthed
~the person is expressionless... or very cold....
~looks like a weakling but it's actually very strong
~ pretends they're weak at sports but the truth is they are very good and then they Surprise everyone....
~JUST PRETEND THEY ARE BAD AT SOMETHING BUT THE TRUTH IS THEY ARE REALLY GOOD AT IT BUT ARE MAYBE TOO SHY? OR SOMETHING HAPPEN IN THEIR PAST? .... sorry for the caps lock but I actually care about the caps lock one the most... biggrin

something like'
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1:43 pm, Oct 21 2012
Posts: 16

Tower of God - secret power
Id - secret power
Eyeshield 21
Nurarihyon no Mago
Ao no Futsumashi
Mahou Sensei Negima!
World Embryo
Hammer Session!
Darker than Black
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pretty Face
Code breaker
chrome shelled regios
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu
Seiken no Blacksmith
to aru majutsu no index
Magi - Labyrinth of Magic
Iris Zero

they are all shounen though


3:13 pm, Oct 21 2012
Posts: 33

if you have nothing to about trying out some novels instead of mangas/manhwa/munhua/anime?

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (Novel) (i love this one. the manga version doesnt adapt well, since most - almost all - of his thoughts aren't shown and some fun conversation are missing too)
Koukaku no Regios (Novel) (the manga and anime versions are horrible. the anime doesn't really follow the novel. there are some things in common but for yourself)
To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku (Novel) (some say the anime is too fast paced)
Shinyaku To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku (Novel)
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (Novel) (havn't read the the manga or watched the anime yet...too scared it was horribly adapted)
Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (Novel)


3:41 pm, Oct 21 2012
Posts: 70

Saiki Kusuo no Ψ Nan

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4:37 pm, Oct 21 2012
Posts: 482

Hikaru no Go - a normal school boy actually very good in go due to a ghost haunting him.

Death Note - nice on the outside, but a megalomaniac killer in the inside.

Shin Angyo Onshi - scruffy on the outside, but actually a great, good fighter.

Zippy Ziggy - outside polite, good guy, inside egotistical ba$tard. great comedy though.

Holyland - to others he look weak and meek but he is actually a notorious thug hunter!

Ares - normal looking boy, but good at fighting.

Jesus - an assassin pretend to be a normal school teacher.

Last edited by whitespade at 4:49 pm, Oct 21 2012

Post #574449

4:50 am, Oct 22 2012
Posts: 18

Pandora Hearts?
I think it has a lot of secrets^^

And Dengeki Daisy maybe. It's shoujo, a good one.

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Noblesse Forever!

5:10 am, Oct 22 2012
Posts: 1067

Noblesse Protagonist looks weakling(people assume it) but is actually strong,...his identity is secret from everyone and he rarely ever show any facial expressions.Its shonen but even shojo lovers would like it.Dont let the starting turns you off.

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Post #574555
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hoo ha

12:38 am, Oct 23 2012
Posts: 247

A wide range here for me as I love reading/watching manga/anime with secrets. ^^;


Darker Than Black - 1st season. I don't recommend the 2nd season at all. Main protagonist hides behind a mask. (And I have no comments on the manga adaptations...)
Steamboy - There's a character that is hiding something, but you won't find out until near the end of the movie.
Noein - One of the main characters is hiding his identity to the other main characters.
Dennou Coil - One of the characters is hiding her past from others. She also seems to be hiding her true self from others as well.
Digimon Adventure season 2 - One of the characters is using an alter ego identity in the Digi world.
Metabots - One of the characters is hiding his past identity from everyone else. (Well, the fact that he wore a mask pretty much helps.....)
Phi Brain: Puzzle of God - Several characters here are hiding secrets whether for beneficial uses or from each other.
Oban Star Racers - Er, I wonder if the shortest character of the cast counts for being the only one who's hiding his true identity? One of the race opponents is also hiding ulterior motives.
Romeo x Juliet - Juliet must pretend to be a boy in the beginning....
Summer Wars - The guy, who sent out the "code" in the beginning, is hiding himself. (Honestly, I would never have guessed it would be him in a million years.)
Princess Tutu - Girl must hide the secret that she's Princess Tutu. Also, she's actually a duck so she hides that fact too.


07-Ghost - More than one character has either hidden/secret pasts, hiding someone, and/or secret identities galore. That includes the main character.
Arisa - Main character is hiding her identity in order to play a role that's the exact opposite of her personality. The "enemy" is hiding his. You may guess right on who he is, but......
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His REAL personality is scary.... It's refreshing because you rarely see manga human antagonists remain evil/psychotic all the way to the end of the story.

Bokura no Kiseki - Reincarnation story with characters keeping their past life identities a secret. Some other characters may hide their own motives from other characters. Among them (or somewhere), someone knows the full truth of why/how the past event happened that lead them to being reborn.
Platinum Garden - The rich family and heir are hiding something. It's up to the heroine to find out what that is, exactly....
Imadoki! - The "popular" boy in the school is hiding his true self just to not stand out. The girl protagonist, of course, exists to change all of that as well as the school's view on gardening.
Otomen - A boy must "hide" the fact that he's an otomen from his classmates and mom.
Kaitou Saint Tail - Classic magical girl thief shoujo. Girl is hiding her identity as a thief from the boy she loves.
(On the subject of "magical girl", a lot of shoujos under that "secret" category would be counted for having secrets, eh?)
#000000 - Ultra Black - Happens in the first volume that the main character is actually hiding "something". I think his personality changes later on because of that "thing".
Fruits Basket - . Many of the characters, within the zodiac family, are hiding their pasts, and requires the cheerful protagonist to get them to open up.
Skip Beat! - The main character had to hide her identity from her childhood friend for some time, but there's another character who is also hiding his true identity from almost everyone. Since they're all in the acting business, this shouldn't be a problem......? biggrin (Intentional tease.)
+C: Sword and Cornett - One of the characters is hiding his true identity. On top of that, there is a hidden history that will ultimately change everything that everyone else ever knew about their kingdom.
Power!! - A girl must keep her identity and gender a secret in order to play on the boys' basket ball team all thanks to her father....
Coda - A guy knows how to do the girl ballet dance moves very well, but does it in secret. He got caught by the "ballet prince", yet, that ballet prince thinks he's a girl (due to the environment). So, the protagonist has to cross-dress in order to not pop the ballet prince's fantasy bubble....
Tenkuu Seiryuu - A girl with a mysterious past. A boy born in a rural village from a mysterious mother. Is there a secret that connects both of them? Yep.
Viehmannin wa Utau - Made by the same mangaka of Tenkuu. There are two characters in this story, who are using "false alibis"
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to fool the main character.

Zodiac P.I. - One of the characters is hiding her identity from the protagonist.
D•N•Angel• - A boy goes through a magical transformation into a thief. He must keep this a secret from anyone outside his family.... Side note: The manga is on hiatus. =.=;
Karneval - I guess one of the characters could count as someone hiding his past from some people, but it's not really touched on so far yet. (He seems to have a split personality too?) There's another character, who is somewhat hiding his past, but he's more like someone who's not good with people.
Ningyou Kyuutei Gakudan - The male protagonist is hiding his past and identity from others. His personality also changes depending on the situation.
Kaizoku to Ningyo - A guy must hide the fact that he's a mermaid. His savior is also hiding his true identity in exchange for the life of piracy.

I could list more, but the list would be too long. laugh


Tegami Bachi - The main character has a hidden power. Also, someone else, who's not one of the main main characters, is definitely hiding something of the past. When you have a secret anti-gov organization involved in this story, mystery will follow...
D.Gray-Man - Several characters are hiding their pasts. Even the main character doesn't talk much about his and hides his true face behind a mask of a "gentleman".
En Passant - Hides his true personality behind a warped one because of his tragic past.
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - One of the main characters is hiding his past. He also masks his emotions.
Luck Stealer - Protagonist hides his luck stealing ability.
Blazer Drive - Protagonist has hidden potential with stickers. (This is due to a hidden past.)
xxxHolic - The shop's owner has secrets galore. She won't reveal things right away. The main male character has an unusual origin as well...
Gate 7 - Some of the characters have secret pasts and historic past lives....

Last edited by tgirl at 12:49 am, Oct 23 2012

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Post #574556

12:43 am, Oct 23 2012
Posts: 159

I'm sure there are a lot of these but i'm kinda tired and one popped into my mind immediately.

'Durarara!!' is a light novel series by the author of 'Baccano!'. I watched the anime. Basically every single character (almost) has some dark secret and they're each slowly coming out into the open. And it has a huge cast. Around 20, I think. If they don't adapt some more of it into anime in the next few years I'll probably start buying the novels.

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